Copyright © 2009 Tim Bruce. All rights reserved

Tim Bruce
actor | singer | writer
actor | singer | writer | voice-over | cartoons | audiobooks | audio description | roleplay | opera | music theatre | Indian music

Audible Approved Narrator/Producer
Corporate Coaching & Roleplay
TfL CSM People Management
Coaching Tfl managers how to get the best out of their staff following the changes to Customer Services on London Underground.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Selection Interview Skills Training
Training and coaching FCO managers up to Ambassador level in competency based interview techniques. Also responsible for training local roleplayers at FCO Regional Development Centres across the world.
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Assessment & Development Centres
Providing and developing roleplay character scenarios for HRD-RADICAL (Human Resources Directorate of the FCO) as part of their ongoing training and assessment for middle and senior management. Roleplays take the form of scheduled meetings. Detailed feedback is essential. Also assist in the training of new assessors and the development of new assessment centres.
British Airports Authority, ‘Provide Meaning’ Training Seminar
Coaching Managing Directors of BAA airports across the UK, looking at ways of improving individual presentation and communication skills – with particular emphasis on getting the message across to others outside of the industry.
British Petroleum, ‘Developing Leadership Potential’
Roleplayer. Delegates from all over Europe must motivate and enthuse the character sufficiently to spearhead a new and challenging flagship project. Detailed feedback and advice is provided in tandem with a personal trainer.
Barclays Premier, Assessment Centre
Providing and developing roleplay character scenarios for Barclays Bank PLC in their nation-wide recruitment of Relationship Managers. Feedback is an integral part of the overall assessment.
Hightown Praetorian Housing Association, Interview Technique Seminar
Training and coaching managers in the Care Sector in interview techniques.
Pricewaterhouse Cooper, ‘Giving Bad News’ Training Seminar
Coaching Human Resources managers in handling redundancy issues.
General Medical Council, Assessors Training
Roleplaying doctors and patients to assist in the training of assessors examining practical aspects of the PLAB test.
Simulated patients for Medical Training, General Medical Council, PLAB, OSCE, Royal College of GPs, Vodafone, Capita Recruitment, Oxford Training Group, OGC, OFT, Royal Mail.
Tim is a highly experienced actor-facilitator having worked regularly in corporate and medical roleplay for over twenty years. Companies include: Interact, Roleplays for Training, Mark Huggins, Action in Management, Impromptu, Corporate Drama, Simpatico, Birmingham Social Services. Character scenarios range from blue-collar workers to senior managers.